Our development process

Project Scouting

We do the necessary due- diligence to find the right site including pre purchase feasibility studies and development analysis.

Deal Finalisation & Pre- planning

Buying the right property is the most important facet of property development and once a potential site is found, the next step is to ascertain the specifications of construction aligned with local council’s development & planning policies. We work with required professionals such as architect, surveyor, town planner and estate agents to complete an accurate assessment of end values and marketability of the completed product.

Town Planning & Design development

We work with consultants for the town planning submission, including the architects, surveyors, engineers, council to obtain required permits. We ensure the design fits in with the relevant state planning codes according to the area as well as the local council’s development guidelines. We work on marketing assets, collaborate with solicitors to create new sale contracts, engage agents to launch the sales campaign.

Construction documentation

At this stage, we manage the construction documentation with architects and engineers once the development approval for project is received, including the working drawings, engineering and structural designs, stormwater design, soil tests, drainage, energy ratings etc. to begin and manage the construction tender process.

Management of construction works

We issue the job to the selected builder and obtain relevant insurances and documentation. We manage the builder’s construction plan against Quality, Cost and Schedule and support the builder throughout the construction period. The process finishes upon completion of the project with getting the occupancy permit.

Sales & Marketing

Upon completion, project could either be sold or retained as an addition to high growth portfolio and borrow against its end value to progress to bigger and better investments. We develop and execute a detailed sales and marketing campaign to maximise the sale prices if the project is to be sold.